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2019 Fall Selections

Veritas Academic Consulting would like to congratulate the following clients and their families on choosing the following colleges:

Student College/University
D.A., La Jolla: University of California, Berkeley
P.A., La Jolla: Brown University
I.A., RanchoSanta Fe: University of Washington
J.B., La Jolla: New York University
K.B., Rancho Santa Fe: University of Southern California
M.B., Carmel Valley: Texas Christian University
N.B., Carmel Valley: University of Washington
A.C., San Diego:  Southern Methodist University
J.C., Solana Beach: University of Colorado
J.C., Rancho Santa Fe: Southern Methodist University
M.C., Rancho Santa Fe: Depaul University
K.E., Tustin: Loyola University - Chicago
D.F., Rancho Santa Fe: Arizona State University
M.G., San Diego: Northwestern University
A.H., San Diego: Texas Christian University
D.H., San Diego: University of California, Berkeley
D.H., Rancho Santa Fe: San Diego State University
W.H., San Marcos: Colorado State University
S.I., San Diego: Yale University
A.J., Princeton: Babson College
E.J., Point Loma: UCLA
A.K., Carlsbad: UCLA
D.K., Seoul: New York University
E.K., Del Mar: University of Wisconsin
S.K., La Jolla: University of California, Santa Barbara
S.K.D., San Diego: George Washington University 
C.L., Shanghai: University of Pennsylvania
K.L., Irvine: Stanford University
L.L., Manhattan Beach: University of California, Berkeley
A.M., Encinitas: Fordham University
B.M., Palo Alto: Harvard University
A.M., San Diego: Texas Christian University
G.M., Rancho Santa Fe: Southern Methodist University
S.M., NYC: University of Miami
T.M., San Clemente: University of Notre Dame
D.M., Poway: University of Southern California
M.M., La Jolla: University of San Francisco
F.N., Coronado: University of San Diego
T.N., Boston: University of Chicago
S.O., Carmel Valley: University of Michigan
S.O., La Jolla: University of California, Berkeley
C.P., Seoul: Harvard University
R.P., San Diego: University of California, Berkeley
S.P., Carlsbad: Cal Poly, SLO
D.Q., Los Angeles: University of California, Santa Barbara
C.R., Los Gatos: University of North Carolina Arts
K.R., San Diego: University of California, Los Angeles
K.R., Carmel Valley: University of California, San Diego
A.S., La Jolla: Arizona State University
A.S., San Clemente: Yale University
B.S., Seal Beach: University of Southern California
L.S., Orange: California State University, Long Beach
S.S., San Diego: University of North Carolina
J.S., La Jolla: University of San Francisco
H.T., Newport Beach: University of Southern California
L.V., Del Mar: University of Oregon
K.W., Scottsdale: Boston College
K.W., San Diego: University of California, Riverside
H.Y., Carlsbad: University of Southern California
J.Z., Chula Vista: Columbia University
L.Z., San Diego: University of California, San Diego
N.Z., San Diego: Duke University

Veritas Academic Consulting would like to recognize the following secondary schools for admitting our clients for the upcoming academic year:

  • The Bishop’s School
  • Indian Mountain School
  • Rumsey Hall
  • Emma Willard
  • Mercersburg Academy
  • St. Andrew’s School
  • Groton School
  • Milton Academy
  • The Hill School
  • Peddie School
  • The Hotchkiss School
  • Phillips Academy Andover

Anthony and Veritas Academic Consulting have been truly invaluable! He helped educate our family and provided valuable insights. He found the perfect types of colleges for our daughter, guided her through the entire application process and was always available to answer endless questions, concerns and sometimes tears. He helped alleviate fears, stresses and made the entire process manageable and fun. He always went the extra-mile and we deeply appreciated his commitment.

~L. Bernstein, Bel Air, CA

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